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Ground Control Caves Bouldering Guide

All material contained on this page and any subpage is copyright © 2001 and where appropriate is used with the kind permission of The Boulder Lounge. All rights reserved.

1. Smog V3 sitstart

2. Fog V3 trav

3. Project

4. Dead Heat V11 sitstart (FA: Klem Loskot)

5. I feel so holy V6 trav sitstart

6. Donald V3 sitstart

7. Family Duck V2 sitstart

8. Salmonelli's V2 sitstart

9. Rota-Loo V8 sitstart

10. Lonely Heart Club V5

11. Ground Contral to Major Tom V8 trav

12. Killer Dwarf V12 sitstart

13. Captain Tonelli V4 sitstart

14. Woody Guthrie V7 sitstart

15. Maria Huifuia V9

16. God of Thunder V7