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Between the Sheeps Bouldering Guide

All material contained on this page and any subpage is copyright © 2001 and where appropriate is used with the kind permission of The Boulder Lounge. All rights reserved.

1. Railroad V3

2. Carpet Crawler V4

3. Slot Machine V6 sitstart

4. Railway Machine V6

5. Cinema Show V3

6. Orange Goblin V4

7. Kamikaze V6

8. I must have been the thief V3

9. Bomb Shell V6

10. Between the Sheeps V6

11. When we were kings V11 (FA: Klem Loskot)

12. Kings Cross V12  sitstart (FA: Klem Loskot)

13. Project

14. Project

15. Family Loss V6  sitstart

16. Anal Head V5  sitstart

17. Wirschllsiada V4

18. Chas remains V4  sitstart