the 7th issue
Australian News
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- Feature: Bouldering Nationals 2002
- Feature: Sharik Walker interview
the 6th issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- Feature: Matt Wrigley interview
the 5th issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- Feature: James Scarborough interview
the 4th issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- Australian's Overseas News
- World News
- World's Hardest Tick List
- Feature: Sam Edwards interview
the 3rd issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- Australian's Overseas News
- World News
- World's Hardest Tick List
- Feature: Chris Ellis interview
the 2nd issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- World News
- World's Hardest Tick List
- Feature: Fred Nicole interview
- Reviews: shut up & climb video
- WWW Links
the 1st issue
Australian News
- Australia's Hardest Tick List
- Australian's Overseas News
- Australian Bouldering Trivia
- World News
- World's Hardest Tick List
- Feature: Fred Nicole in Australia
- Reviews: Balkans guide and EOS video
- WWW Links